People of the Philippines loves to eat. The style of cooking and the foods included with it have evolved over many years from its random origins to a mixed cuisine with many Hispanic, Chinese, American, and other Asian influences adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate. This influences resulted into many delicious Filipino recipes.
Like other countries in Asia, Philippines is a heavy rice eating country. It is most often steamed and served during meals. If there is any leftover rice, it was often fried along side with garlic. It is commonly called as sinangag which is really great for breakfast along with cured meat, egg and sausages. In some regions, rice is combined with salt, condensed milk, cocoa, or coffee.
Filipinos do have many terms prior to their cooking style. Below are some of the most popular ones.
1). Adobo or Inadobo are dishes mainly cooked in vinegar, oil, garlic and soy sauce. It could also refer to just roasting on a wok, with light oil, garlic and salt. The most famous form or example of it is the adobong manok or chicken adobo.
2). Binagoongan or With Bagoong are cooked with fermented fish paste bagoong. Bagoong have strong odors which may be offensive to those unaccustomed to them. But this is what I can tell, bagoong taste really good and is good much with green mangoes as well. A popular dish for this kind of cooking is the binagoongang baboy.
3). Guinataan/sa Gata recipes are cooked with coconut milk. Often times, it includes chili as well. Perfect example for this kind of cooking is the famous Bicol express.
4). Guisa/Guisado/Ginisa" or "Gisado" are dishes sauted with garlic, onions and/or tomatoes. The most common and easiest Filipino cooking style. Most common cooking for vegetable dishes.
Above cooking terms are just few of the many terms Filipinos have in terms of cooking. Although there are so many kinds, types and processes, one thing is common in the way people of the Philippines cooks foods, Filipino do cook with heart. Meaning, all the dish being prepared are absolutely done with quality taste and finest ingredients as well.