Imaginative Uses Of Flavoured Syrups In Almost Every Recipe
Cocktail recipes require simple flavoured syrups that add to the taste and flavour of your cocktail. You can add your own personal flair to beverages with creative use of syrups.
When you use flavoured syrups for cocktails or coffee and other beverages, make sure you use only the finest quality syrups with carefully chosen ingredients. There are common as well as exotic flavours to choose from for flavouring your drinks.
Caramel flavour is best used with a latte or hot chocolate drink. The light buttery flavour of toasted sugar can have a terrific effect on the olfactory system. Hazelnut is popular and commonly used flavouring syrup. The flavour of roasted hazelnuts is irresistible. When added to a latte, the effect can be truly sensational.
Macadamia offers a creamy flavour when roasted. It can be a great comfort food when added to your cup of coffee. Macadamia is an all time favourite of classic coffee lovers. Irish cream needs no introduction to those who love their coffee made in exotic style and flavour. The syrup offers a hint of whisky and cream flavour and can transform your coffee dramatically when used along with a shot of espresso, milk and cooling with a few cubes of ice. If you like it creamy, head straight to the blender.
Vanilla has a divine flavour and is the classical favourite of all generations. Vanilla flavoured syrup is made from extracts of those lovely looking vanilla beans. Vanilla and coffee? If you have not tried this brilliant combo, you will never know what you are missing.
Vanilla flavour is also an integral part of those delightful and smooth white chocolates. The white chocolate syrup has a clear presence but don't let that deceive you. The flavour is something that will keep lingering on your palate and thoughts long after the drinks are over.
Simple flavoured syrups used in imaginative combinations can bring any staid cocktail or drinks to life. There is no end to the permutations and combinations you can try with flavoured syrups. You can use the various flavours to spruce up your cocktails, coffee and drinks to make your beverages look and taste different and interesting.
Flavoured syrups can also put a twist on cool summer drinks. Syrups can also work wonderfully well for iced tea or your favourite summer drink. It can also be used to flavour some alcoholic beverages and cocktails. There are many recipes available online which can be used as a guide to help you know more about flavoured syrups.